Monday, July 30, 2012

Working and Thank you.

Hi guys! Have been ages (allow me to exaggerate) lol.  Uhmm.. Well, not feeling well in the past few weeks due to severe stomachache - can't even count the amount of times I ran into toilet. Anyway, studies have been great, just that the new team I'm assigned into doesn't look good. Guess I gotta do the work with another trustful team member..more of a 2-man work instead of 5-man. Hmmm.. And also, I've been in this website 'cuz I feel like working to cater for my financial need (as in I felt bad spending my parents' hard-earn money on entertainment). I'm a pianist, a gamer or sometimes, a collector. I might need to buy music scores, game cards, etc. So I'm hoping to get some job through this website. They're paying in $$ so convert into RM is quite a lot, at least for me. =)

Blogwalkers: TQ for inspiring me to write this post haha. I was thinking of abandoning it because apparently, my friend, most of them, left blogging long time ago. So well, thanks for your support! Will continue to write if I've the time.

If any of you need my service, please click the link below. Thanks again. Till then, BYE!!